Both my sexual partners recently got vasectomies. Here's how that went for them!
With Roe v Wade overturned, there's likely going to be an increase in people considering vasectomies. I thought I would share my partners' experiences to help with people's consideration process :)
Partner A: Vasectomy was mid-April. There was a lot of pain during the procedure but she (trans woman) has a very low pain tolerance so that's probably why. It was over in about half an hour and she pretty much just stayed in bed playing videogames for 2 or 3 days because her groin area ached too much for her to walk around.
Her first orgasm (via gentle handjob) was 4 days post-procedure, there was a slight uptick in pain immediately during the orgasm and there was a small amount of blood in the semen. Second orgasm (another handjob) was a week post-procedure, another small uptick in pain during orgasm but no blood.
After that we started regularly having sex again and 3 weeks post-procedure there was no longer any aches or pain whatsoever (no pain during sex or outside of sex) and it has stayed that way since. :)
For the first month or so, at the incision site there was a round hard mass under her skin that is no longer noticible. I'm pretty sure that was a normal part of the healing process! Don't worry, it goes away as your body recovers.
Partner B: Just had their vasectomy yesterday morning. Good timing, right? Lol.
They had to be put under for the vasectomy. Scheduling the procedure took longer for this partner because at their first evaluation, the doctor determined their plumbing was a little wonky-- one testicle much higher up than the other-- and they needed an extra appointment befimore scheduling the vasectomy to see if they had the anatomy to be able to get one. Fortunately they were approved, but they needed to be put under for it & needed two incisions (rather than 1 incision like Partner A).
Everything went fine and with no complications! Their pain level has been very low, almost unnoticeable, and they have not needed any pain medication as of yet. I have less to share about this partner's experience because the vasectomy was so recent, but if people want me to update in a couple weeks about how their healing process went I can do that. :)
Advice: ICE YOUR BALLS. Seriously! Don't be lax on this advice! Buy 4 packs of peas and switch them out regularly, making sure to give your balls some breaks inbetween. And when your body feels like it's ready for you to consider your first orgasm post-procedure: slow, gentle, masturbation or handjob. There's nothing less sexy than slightly moving your dick in the wrong way and feeling like you just got horse kicked in the nuts. Take it slow, don't hop into sex the first time. Consider the first time you orgasm after your vasectomy to be more of a diagnostic tool than anything else; stay aware of your pain levels, functionality, if/how much blood is in your semen, and if there's anything you think might be unusual please contact your doctor!