Why should I, as a trans woman, support gender abolition?
This has not been a great week for trans women - we've lost federal recognition of our identities, we can't update our passports, we're getting kicked out of the military, and we're getting sent to mens prison to be raped. I can't wait for another 3 years, 11 months, and 23 days of this.
UPDATE: Annddd they took away medical transition for people under 19. FML
Meanwhile, the libtard response to all this is to continue what they always do - being insufferable smug dipshits while doing not a goddamn thing to help. "Erm ackshually Trump just defined everyone as female because technically at conception we're all..." Yeah, shut the fuck up, they don't care.
What's bothered me is that leftists and liberals both seem to do their darnedest to sabotage trans women and our ability to live our lives with dignity. Liberals see us as men but are polite enough to she/her us...as long as we're not too uppity about being included in women's spaces. Leftists on the other hand think that medical transition is regressive and that trans women who try to pass are fascist. [EDIT: Only some leftists believe this, most leftists have vaguely formed beliefs on trans people.] They don't care about our safety or our interest in living normal lives, they're only interested in our usefulness in abolishing gender and being on the frontlines of the never-coming revolution.
And frankly, I'm sick of feeling like a totem. Why should I give a shit about abolishing gender? I've fought this hard to transition, to be seen as a woman after being forced for years to live as a man. Why should I want to go back, especially when so many allegedly trans-inclusive leftists just treat me like a man, erm, male-socialized AMAB, anyway? Why should I trust leftists, when so many of them misunderstand gender dysphoria, and think that the reason we transition is because society isn't sufficiently supportive of feminine boys? Why should I believe in this project, when so many of you demonize trans women and sound like TERFs?