Breeding Timber Rattlesnakes
Looking for reliable info on breeding timbers. I've bred copperheads, cottonmouths, and cottonhead hybrids and morphs of these species. The next thing id love to breed is timbers, ive kept them for years but have yet to successfully breed. With that being said information on these can be scattered so my question is, (to those who have bred them) what was the technics that worked the best? Best time to pair? Brumation length? Did pairing the animals require leaving them together all the time or did u seperate for a period then reintroduce? Temps? I've heard that the breeding age for adults can vary and I've read that they will usually only breed once every other year in captivity. Do you use any specific techniques like a heat lamp for any reasons? lowered or increased humidity? alternate with daytime and night time temps?
Looking for reliable info on breeding timbers. I've bred copperheads, cottonmouths, and cottonhead hybrids and morphs of these species. The next thing id love to breed is timbers, ive kept them for years but have yet to successfully breed. With that being said information on these can be scattered so my question is, (to those who have bred them) what was the technics that worked the best? Best time to pair? Brumation length? Did pairing the animals require leaving them together all the time or did u seperate for a period then reintroduce? Temps? I've heard that the breeding age for adults can vary and I've read that they will usually only breed once every other year in captivity. Do you use any specific techniques like a heat lamp for any reasons? lowered or increased humidity? alternate with daytime and night time temps?