Christmas is ruined by my health

I have a terrible case of viral conjunctivitis and it’s going to ruin all my Christmas plans.

For context:

I live in a country I’m not from and where I have no family. My family is split between two other countries and I was going to fly to one of them on Monday to spend Christmas with a small section of my family. This trip was extremely important to me for a few reasons:

  1. This was supposed to be my partner’s first Christmas with my family. I was really looking forward to sharing our Christmas traditions with him, especially since we’ve already been together for 6 years. This is the least important reason but it’s still disappointing.

  2. I need the family time. Life’s been shit recently. Several weeks ago my area was hit by a natural disaster and I’ve been volunteering with the clean up. It’s physically and emotionally taxing and I was so excited to heal a bit by being around some of my people

  3. I recently lost my grandfather (another reason I’m desperate for family time). I’ve lost 3/4 grandparents in the last 2 years. I have one grandmother left and she’s not doing the best. Realistically I think this is her last Christmas, which means it’s my last Christmas to spend with a grandparent and I’m missing it.

Instead I will most likely spend Christmas alone in my apartment. I’ve had conjunctivitis for 2 weeks now and my eye is redder and angrier than ever. There’s no medicine to really help it. I do what I can obviously but ultimately I just have to wait for my white blood cells to do their thing.

I spent Christmas in quarantine 3 years ago with Covid and I’m not stoked to do it again with fucking pink eye.

I know people have much worse problems but I can’t help but to be really upset to miss out on this trip and this time with my family. I don’t know that I’ve ever needed more than I do right now.

The end of 2024 has been a real bitch.