
I hate labels in any form, including being non-binary. I don't think the catch-all term of nb is very good for me. Same with being fluid, or pan, or anything else

I don't want anyone to comment about what to call myself because I don't need you to tell me what my labels ate or what they should be because you have no idea what I feel


I feel like a woman in the 1800s using a pen name to write poetry. I think very squarely, and I hate the box having lables of any kind.

Having labels puts me in a box that I'm socially shunned for breaking, that of which I'm 1. Not aware of 2. And was not explained to me

Not a man, not a woman, not even human. I hate my existence.

I look in the mirror and I feel completely disconnected from my reflection. I look in the mirror and think "that isn't me, that's not my face." That isn't me.

I feel like if I lose weight I'll feel more like how I'm supposed to.