I can’t stand my autistic brother.
Context: I (21F) live with my (23F) sister, parents and (25M) brother. My brother in question is completely insufferable to be around. He’s autistic, been diagnosed since he was real young, but he’s never acted this terrible to any of us to this extent.
He’s constantly arguing with myself and my other family members. He treats us like shit and acts like he owns the house. If we’re too loud? he insults us. If we’re laughing? he either tells us to shut up or starts slamming things. If I accidentally leave something on the counter? “you’re gonna throw this away right?” or “you need to __”. he treats our pets like shit. he’s mean to our dogs and shoves them/runs at them if theyre annoying him and they flinch. he’s extremely argumentative. and he never. NEVER. lets go of something even if it happened years ago. whenever he talks to me he either wants something or is criticizing me for not doing this, this and that.
It’s gotten to a point where I utterly hate being around him. I hide in my room most days or hide in a different part of the house. hes extremely irritating to be around and I run to a different room or level of the house if he approaches.
He can hold up a job, he’s attending college and he’s very smart. But he’s just so mean and combative ALL the time. Not to mention he has resources and support and a loving home. I’m just.. at my wits end with him. And the rest of my family is too. I don’t know what to do. I feel like he’s in the house way too often and needs to get out and get a job.
At this point I’m waiting for him to graduate, get his degree and move the fuck out of our house because he’s the source of so much bullshit. I cant even bring my friends over because he’s difficult and we have to walk on eggshells around him in our own home.