90% of mainstream porn is fucking disgusting.

First off, all of the "Porn is Misogyny" people can go kick cans down the road, this post isn't for you. Disgruntled partners in the, "Porn is cheating" crowd- this ain't your soapbox either, piss off. This isn't me saying there's no place for reasonable porn in the world, that watching two people have sex is a scourge, or that average person that watches it is somehow less than, or bad.

What I am saying though, is that most of the widely proliferated shit that I've seen in the past month? Is fucking gross, and that's putting it extremely mildly.

I'm mostly referring to the 'mainstream', front page of PornHub shit. Even what I assume would comparatively be called 'tame' stuff, is still unbelievably fucking nasty.

Of course I've seen it, I'm a guy, I jerk off from time to time, and those websites are the main portals. I use these sites, and the stuff I'm talking about would usually receive a passing, apathetic glance from me, before I hit the search function. No big deal, never paid much attention.

So, a quick bit of exposition: I have a little side hustle that includes AI, 'personal requests,' and a few bucks for some moderately skilled work. I'm not going to go too far into it, but I enjoy the challenge, and I get a few extra burritos out of it. Not a bad trade off.

It was fine when I started, I didn't really pay much attention, I guess. I could tune it out. I'd get an idea of what my 'client' wanted, I'd do my thing. and 8-16 hours of some relatively mundane, mostly tedious work later, I'd have my Chipotle money, and they'd have their made-to-measure smut. They're happy, I'm happy, Easy peasy.

I don't know what changed, I'm not sure how, but on Friday, the shit hit the goddamned fan for me.

I like sex. I like having it, I like watching it, I enjoy pleasing my sexual partners. I like watching the emotions play across their face when I'm doing good work. I like the way a woman I desire gazes at me when the mood strikes, or that flood of adrenaline and excitement when anticipation peaks, and finally causes the walls between two people to give way, and come crashing down. I like people, their stories, lives, thoughts, and the way they feel. That's what makes sex exciting for me. ...You know, like it does for any normal human being.


What I don't like, is a fucking anatomy lesson. The last goddamned thing I want to do, is grab a C-clamp to gape a woman's pussy hole wide the fuck open, so I can shove my big, stupid, goddamned head, up her yawning birth canal, and gaze into the space inside her fucking uterus. Apparently so I can have a look around and examine all the damp, engorged, cherry-red flesh on the inside of her motherfucking meat sack?!

Oh yeah, That reeeeally gets me going.

Every goddamn one of these porn galleries I see has some incredibly beautiful woman, stretching her fucking lips out like rubber-bands to her goddamned knees, 3 inches from the fucking camera lens. If I'm searching through a group missionary position pics? At some point, every time, without fail, there will be no less than 3 different camera angles, diligently documenting the state of the walls inside of her fucking cervix.

The amount of porn that resembles a motherfucking pap smear is absurd, and never goddamned ending. It's abhorrent.

I don't know how to perform a Colonoscopy, but after sifting through all of this profane SHIT?? I sure as FUCK know what administering one looks like now!! It must be great to be a porn director, because you get to watch people fuck, and diagnose them for polyps!!!

Is there something about seeing the inside of somebody's GI tract that turns motherfuckers on?! How about seeing some mutated, varicose, monstrosity of a human penis, choke a bitch into gagging up pints worth of aerated, bubbling spit, and viscous, elongated ropes of snot??! Oh, and of course whatever the fuck she had for lunch that she happens to wretch up! Does running mascara mixed with buckets of human mucosal discharge and vomit, really fucking do it for people?!??

Augh, FUCK!! GOD it's so infuriatingly disgusting. BLAUH! FUCK!!

I have to say bro, if this is you? Why don't you just purchase and fuck medical cadavers?? If I wanted a fucking anatomy lesson, I'd go to college and jack off to my goddamned textbooks. If the sight of childbirth actually gives you a hard on?? Well then bro... Hahaha... Fuck man, I have got to say there chief, you have got some serious fucking issues with your goddamned brain parts responsible for sexual arousal, and tolerance for disgust. You don't need any more porn, you need a vacation, and you need motherfucking therapy.

What in the motherfucking, tap dancing, sky-daddy all father FUCK, is wrong with these motherfuckers?!?

As my reputation for decent work has spread, you wouldn't BELIEVE the kind of depraved SHIT people ask for. I swear to god if I didn't care, I'd dox every single fucking one of them.

The worst part is that, because it's AI- These same people who revel in this endless cavalcade of displays of glistening human viscera, think that AI can work it's 'magic' to create EVEN MORE EXTREME FORMS OF THEIR ALREADY EXTREME BODY HORROR SHIT SHOWS.

I nearly blew the fuck UP on a dude out the other day, for asking me if I could "AI" the inside of a woman's fucking WOMB, so he could envision his self, LITERALLY CLIMBING THE FUCK INTO IT.


Having to sift, sort, and wade through all the piles of endless, unceasing, fetid stinking heaps of this acrid-saccharine ROT every day for the last month or so has caused something deep within me to snap.

I'm the world's loudest straw, breaking on the back of the angriest camel to have ever been fucking conceived.

I wanted to fucking \********** that perverted shit-ass. I wanted to **** the little fuck, honestly. I wanted to **** him with my fucking ring hand across the **** as ******** as I possibly could. For beating his dick up so badly, that the only things that stand it up are pictures of a human's internal fucking organs. More so, for even suggesting that I would be okay with making such a malformed, inside-out, thalidomide abortion of an object of human sexual fucking desire.

For every gaping asshole, for every fucking eroticized Gynecologist exam, for every pussy drooling spunk out of it's fucking hole like an awestruck troglodyte with a respiratory infection, I swear to fuck I could have ****** him.

I just told him, "No." ...He'd have to find somewhere else for that. My 'apologies', I said.

I should have verbally tore him a new asshole, but knowing his tastes, he'd probably just try to fuck it.

90% of porn is fucking disgusting. I know, because I've seen all of it. Watching two people fuck like normal humans is 'niche'. Throat fucking, gaping, and screaming, bellowing, caterwalling idiots with bulbous, inhuman facial features, and steroid-bloated men with dicks the size of table legs assaulting another human's orifices like they owe them fucking money, is the overwhelming majority of the norm now.

What the fuck has gone wrong with us. What the fuck has gone wrong with YOU, if you're watching this shit.

If you touched as much grass as you touched your self, maybe you wouldn't be jacking off to the most depraved shit ever to stain human race with it's repugnant fucking snail trail.

Porn is fucking gross. Fuck it, and fuck you, and fuck us both.

I'm so fucking done with this shit; This fucking trash. I guess I'll just drive an Uber and sell cocaine to drunk college students like a normal fucking asshole, fuck it.

Fuck you, you fucking perverted little shit, and fuck this entire shit-show all the way to hell.

The burritos aren't worth the damage to my mental health.

I'm out.

Edits for clarity and grammar