My sociopathic brother who has been using my car for 5 to 6 years, crashed my car and wants to blame me because I borrowed my moms car who was blocking my car.

He has always been taking advantage of me mooching off my gas, stealing my food, asking for my subscriptions. Then when things go south he throws me under the bus. On this particular day my moms car was blocking my car in the driveway, so I asked if I could borrow her car for my part time job. I usually leave a little bit of gas in my car because my brother will ALWAYS drive until the gas light is on. So after I take my moms car he uses the spare key to drive my car, and is mad that I left him with 10 miles of gas in the car. He is now using this excuse for not yielding into an oncoming car as he merged into a lane and crashed into a car. He is now blaming everyone involved besides himself. Previously he was bragging about how he was going to win a lawsuit against the other driver, but now the insurance has sided with the other party.

He has always been doing this to people regardless of the situation. One time he left his phone on a slant in the restroom next to the bathtub and my footsteps triggered it into sliding into his bathtub with water in it. And he blames me for not saving his phone.

There are so many more things I feel like I want to share, but this is only just the tip of the iceberg. Just last month he was cussing out the local gamestop employee.