Help and or claim for sexual dysfunction?
At the doctor recently and started discussing sexual dysfunction. Embarrassing to say, but with the ptsd, ssri’s, mood, etc. I just don’t have much of a sex drive anymore. When I do have sex, I can get an erection, but it’s very hard to finish. Of course this impacts my marriage greatly, and I’d like to work on it. I’ve asked about getting tested for testosterone, but they haven’t sent me yet. Also, I’ve been told that it’s really not great to go on T because of the last effects.
Has anyone found any help in this area?
Also, is this something you can file a claim for? I’ve seen guys say they got rated for erectile dysfunction, but not sure if I would technically have that since it’s more having no drive and unable to finish easily. Maybe if I get it as a rated condition, I can get more help for it. Anyways, hope everyone has a bonorific Friday!