vr&e and way to ask for items
Hi guys, I am currently going to school for accounting, and was just recently approved for vr&e. When talking with my counselor I couldn't find the right timing to ask for some necessary items. I am currently using an old MacBook from 2012 but wanted to ask for a MacBook pro since I am used to mac eco systems. I don't know how to word it but it feels weird to just blatantly ask for a MacBook pro lol.
I am also in my junior year, and eventually want to study and take the CPA exam and I wanted to get some professional study guides when it came to CPA exam.
For example something like this. https://www.becker.com/cpa-review/cpa-courses-ps?clickref=1100lzYCJJ99&utm_source=Partnerize&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_campaign=duomai2014&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAnKi8BhB0EiwA58DA4RcP5A7dsR7MfDE8wOYMtwzQV8k7gPPfNUTbw18otgH4iJOT7khhKhoC3KoQAvD_BwE
Do you think this is approvable purchase? and How would I go on about asking for a laptop and the CPA study material. (I had no idea professional CPA study guide would be so expensive)