Mel is too perfect
Jeebus. I know this is a tv show, a novel, yadda yadda. But this woman is shown to have perfect calm responses to nearly anything ever no matter the circumstance, person, threat level, intimacy level, level of someone being a dick, her own problems (which she bounces back from in like the next scene). 100% understanding, 100% empathetic, always prioritising someone else's feelings and working it through with them even when she's being mistreated.
Damn. Wish she was a bit more human! It's so utterly preachy to me. A saint and mother-stand-in figure to anyone and everyone in all circumstances. Even when she's a fresh widow, had a stillborn, a miscarriage, broken relationship, issues at work, bloody rocks falling on her. Nothing ever makes her stop being impossibly saintly and therapeutic somehow.
Ughh I just needed to vent lol