PSA for people thinking about using the reset stone

Coming from a Day 1 launch player, the most correct answer to the “should I use my reset stone on X” question that’s going to appear a bunch in this sub: the answer is almost 100% ‘no’.

No unit below diamond (and arguably D2.5+) should ever be reset just because of how the resources in this game work. The way Exp and badges scale is ridiculous. You also never know what new random trait will be viable in a future LRE, especially as they make them more difficult.

From personal experience, I used my first reset stone from the initial Yarrick/Archie nerfs on my G2 Morvenn Vahl to boost Maugan Ra (before D2 and D3 existed) and in the long run it didn’t mean much. I have Ra at D3 and Vahl at B2, but neither are as relevant as they were nearly 2 years ago.

This time around, I reset my D3 blue star Revas, not for gameplay reasons, but for legendary badges, exp books, and the ability to use the “Revas go Brrrr” strategy again in arena. Revas is no longer meta in GR (although a viable for some late game Multihit/admech), but they still have utility in other modes.

Resetting Revas to D1.5 and reusing those resources may sound like a ‘waste’ of resources, but afterwards it still netted more than 100 legendary exp books, and ~30 leg badges (Revas was 43/47), and enough gold to level several skills for other newer meta units by 2-3 levels. The way to think about that is you’ll need the equivalent of nearly 100 legendary exp books just to get to Diamond, and then almost that same amount to get the final 6 levels.

A ‘wrong’ investment in a unit upgraded to silver or gold will not effect your account significantly if you plan to continue playing in the long run

When a player transitions into the late game, they realize epic/gold1 is not much of an obstacle other than the time sink as nodes get more energy efficient. It’s 1-2 weeks of farming at the most from Stone 1 to Gold 1. Reworks that are considered ‘nerfs’ are much rarer than reworks that result in buffs to weak units, which make these reset stone all the more valuable (they don’t even offer the option for whales to buy them)

We can’t know what unit buffs or new units will be introduced in the future and how that’ll effect the units you currently built, so holding on to the stone is the best choice. Waiting for something monumental in 6 months to a year from now when your account has progressed and your more familiar with the game is the best use of the reset stone

Side note: I’ll probably save my my second reset stone to do the same thing in a year from now when Revas reaches D3 from arena experience again (But who knows that will happen in the game at that point).