Environmental Studies 2021-22 Course Selection Guide

TLDR: A list of Environmental Studies (2021-22 version) degree requirements and what Fall 2021 courses satisfy these requirements. .

List of degree requirements:


Who this guide is intended for:

*Incoming freshmen with an interest in Environmental Studies

*Returning students who are interested or pre-majoring in Environmental Studies

*Returning students who wished to transfer into Environmental Studies from either a 2020-21 catalog Environmental Studies program or an entirely separate major


*This is a guide for the 2021-22 Environmental Studies degree, not the 2020-21 degree. This is because a detailed guide for the 2021-22 degree is far more relevant to incoming and undecided students, who can no longer select the old degree.

*This guide will only consist of foundational & core requirements. Depth and specialization has been left out because there are several separate tracks with different requirements, and culminating coursework has been left out because the new degree pathway appears to be deemphasizing capstone coursework in favor of experiential learning (study abroad, internships, etc.). Experiential courses can either dominate a quarter entirely (e.g. Wildland Studies), thus eliminating the need for planning other coursework, or can be extremely flexible in their scheduling. Also, most people at this point in their degree will likely be on the verge of graduation and as such won’t need this guide.

*GUR courses will not be included unless they can be counted towards a specific requirement. For instance, ENVS 202 (SSC) will not be included, but ENVS 203 (LSCI), a core foundational course, will.

*Details such as instructor, prerequisites, class size, and modality are not listed. Reference WWU Classfinder or WWU Time Table for more info.

*I do not know if any seminar course (ENVS 499) can count towards the foundation requirement or if it has to be a 499A course. I am only listing 499A courses for now, but I encourage you to check with your advisor to double-check.

*Extension courses are not included.

*There are some categories that accept substitutions under certain conditions. For the sake of time, I am only going to list courses that are explicitly mentioned as options for fulfilling a requirement.

Environmental Studies Foundations:

ENVS 201 - Environmental Data & Information (3) (QSR)

TR 02:00-3:20PM

ENVS 203 - Physical Geography (4) (LSCI)

(Note: Offered in four sections. Each section has the same lecture time and separate lab times.)

Lecture Portion:

MWF 01:00-01:50PM

Lab Portion:

Choose 1:

*R 08:00-09:50AM

*W 08:00-09:50AM

*W 02:00-03:50PM

*T 02:00-03:50PM

ENVS 204 - Human Geography (4) (SSC)

MTWF 12:00-12:50PM

ENVS 303 - Human Ecology and Ethics (5)

TR 02:00-03:50PM

Choose 1 (4 total sections, 2 sections per Friday meeting time):

F 02:00-02:50

F 03:00-03:50

ENVS 499A - Huxley Speaker Seminar (1)

R 04:30-05:20

ESCI 225 - Beginning Ecology (4)


Environmental Studies Core Knowledge Areas:

Environmental Data Analysis & Communication:

ENVS 319 - Research & Writing (3) (WP3)

TR 04:00-05:20PM

ENVS 413 - The Planet Staff (3) (WP3)

MW 02:00-03:20PM

ENVS 320 - GIS I: Intro to GIS (4)

Lecture Portion:

TR 01:00-01:50PM

Lab Portion:

Choose 1:

*TR 02:00-02:50PM

*TR 03:00-03:50PM

*TR 04:00-04:50PM

The Biophysical Environment:

ENVS 326 - Climatology (4)

MTWF 01:00-01:50PM

ESCI 330 - Natural History of the Pacific Northwest (4)

Choose 1:

*W 02:00-02:50PM F 01:00-03:50PM

*W 03:00-03:50PM R 01:00-03:50PM

ESCI 393 - Our Coastal Seas and Climate Change (4) (WP1)

*TR 02:00-3:40PM

ESCI 404 - Indigenous Resource Management in the Salish Sea (WP1)

TR 10:00-11:20AM

T 12:00-03:50PM

(Note: There is one section that meets at both times.)

Socio-Ecological Systems:

Literally nothing from this category is offered Fall Quarter.

Social Justice and the Environment:

ENVS 381 - Introduction to Education for Environment and Sustainability (4)

TR 12:00-1:50PM (Plus some ASYNC work)

Institutional and Environmental Governance:

ENVS 350 - Energy Policy and Politics (4) (Also offered as ENRG 350)

TR 02:00-03:50PM

Note: All ENVS/UEPP courses are cross listed

ENVS/UEPP 355 - Environmental Law and Policy (4)

TR 12:00-01:50PM

ENVS 362 - U.S. Disaster Policy (4)

MW 05:00-06:50PM (Plus some ASYNC work)

ENVS 450 - Science in the Policy Process (4) (WP2)

MW 02:00-03:50PM

ENVS 454 - Environmental Policy Analysis (4) (WP1)

TR 03:00-04:50PM

ENVS 457 - Environmental Dispute Resolution (4)

TR 10:00-11:50AM

ENVS 458 - Environmental Politics (5)

MW 09:00-11:20AM

ENVS/UEPP 416 - Land Use Law (4)

TR 12:00-1:50PM