HEA Fireworks Vs Claustrophobic Party Member

Sorry if this is like a repetitive question but I couldn’t find much involving it either way so yes.

I’m heading for a family trip to WDW in March and I really want to watch Happily Ever After in its full capacity but haven’t been able to the last two trips because of my claustrophobic brother who doesn’t like the firework crowds. I don’t blame him since they make me queasy as well but it’s the reason why I haven’t been able to watch them with my family and that’s fine.

I’m just asking if there’s any non-crowded areas in MK or the resort area that we could watch them? It’s a long shot cause everywhere will be crowded but not as crowded as the actual main MK hub-area I’m assuming. I’ve thought about us going up the Swiss Family treehouse to watch from up there but I’m assuming also I’m not the first person to think of that.

I’ve also thought about getting us the dessert party package (during or post fireworks) just for us to have a comfortable place to watch them but I honestly don’t know if it’s worth it or not either since I don’t drink and my siblings are incredibly picky involving treats (my parents are just in for the ride, there’s 5 of us in total).

Any advice or recommendations would be helpful! Sorry for the length of this post, I’m just trying to cover my bases.

Edit: Now thinking this should’ve been labeled as planning, apologies if that is a huge error on my end! I’m new to this subreddit.