The Disney World muscle groups

So a few years ago (before I became a parent) I did a walking challenge as "Disney prep" where I walked 1 million steps in 100 days. It really did help me enjoy my trip as I wasn't nearly as tired/feet not nearly as sore. I also felt a lot of motivation because I love daydreaming about Disney/I'd put on YouTube or music etc.

Anyway, I have a toddler now and we've been to Disneyland. Disneyland did not go well for a lot of reasons (some not in our control and not likely to repeat, and some we have learned from). One of the reasons is my body was just tired beyond belief. I'm out of shape, it was hot, it was Disney, and bad moods are contagious.

So, what are the Disney muscle groups? Unserious funny answers are also welcome (like lie down with your arms over your chest to prep for Haunted Mansion).

In the past, I've gone up and down the stairs each time Swiss Family Polka comes on Spotify (for giggles). I'm also looking to build those toddler specific muscle groups (carrying my giant two year old).