Welding in school and made some bad mistakes
Hello, I'm a current highschool junior who does some welding for my robotics club. While me and a partner were welding some plates together, I think I may have forgotten to turn on the vent underneath the space I was welding. We don't wear respirators, and I was welding for about an hour or so. I've welded before without respirators, and I'd say I have about 3-5 hours of welding I have done. Am I at risk for any health complications? I have a slight dry cough, but I don't know whether or not this is from the welding. I'm also a little congested, but again I've been congested due to being sick during the school year. I also didn't know about all the safety regulations needed for welding, such as showering after welding and stuff like that. What can I do to prevent myself from getting health issues if I'm at risk? Thanks for the help.