Should I leave my husband?
Second Update So he has agreed to go to counselling with me. When he is sober I see all the reasons why I fell in love with him. I know it will be a lot of work but I love him and I want to try to get him the help he needs.
UPDATE Thank you everyone for your responses. To answer a lot of the same questions, yes I do work starting my own business. We were together 4 years before we got married. I married him because things were not quite as bad, or maybe I was more naive. At the time I thought maybe it was the toxic enviroment we lived in. We lived with his dad for years and he is a total AH. At one point I had asked him to stop drinking. He did for around 6 months, and then he decied he would start again without disscussing it with me.
At frist he was doing very well with cutting back only having a few drinks to catch a buzz and not getting to the point where he couldn't remember things the next day. He was miserable when he quit drinking which was to be expected. However he never told his family the real reason why he quit for a time. Currently he is back to drinking a case in a weeked pretty much and when ever he has time off he is drinking. There was a day he took off work becasuse he has been staying up all night and all the next day drinking. He has done this a few times over the holidays.
I have talked with him about how I have been feeling about a lot of it and I actually felt heard by him. I told him why I didn't want to have kids with him, as I would basically be a single mother. He told me he would work harder to show me I wouldn't be doing it alone. I know these are only words. He also admitted he was emotionally abusive and he wanted to change that.
(Original post) I (28F) and my husband (31M) have been married for little over a year. There were issues in the past with his drinking where he would become very angry and trying to cause physical fights with other people. Most of the time he ends up falling asleep while playing games or somewhere else in the house.
Lately he has gone back to being in the mindset when drinking that he becomes very rude. There are times where he will wonder why he’s with me and say all these hurtful things. Of course he doesn’t remember in the morning he apologizes but really if he doesn’t remember doing what he is sorry for and keeps doing it what is the point?
The other day he pinned me on to a closet door and thought I would find it sexy. I told him that it didn’t and it hurt because I got the handle to the closet in my back. He just fluffed it off and didn’t care. Later that night he proceeded to list off things that I don’t enjoy doing intimately that he wishes I would do more of. I feel like he is not respecting my boundaries at all.
Since we have been living together he has hardly helped with any household chores. I have been doing everything around the house and helping him get ready for work. He even admitted to feeling like a teenager living at home because he doesn’t do much. We have been over it several times, and his solution is that I have to tell him several times to do the chore and he will.
However if I have to do that I may as well just do the chore myself. I don’t want to have kids with him because it would be like being a single mother to a baby and a teenager. I don’t feel he’s responsible enough to raise a child.