My issue with the Wild Card... that nobody knows how to use it in the main game, and it only gets used when Pat tells them to. Pat has far too much influence on its use. Usually, when contestants have an opportunity to use it on the top value ($2500+), he'll say, "Now, don't forget, you have that Wild Card. You can use it now for another consonant worth $X", and they'll almost always say yes. But other times, including Friday's episode, he said nothing, and it wasn't used.

When Free Spin was around, Pat would always make it a point to say "Would you like to use your Free Spin?" if someone had it and lost their turn. With the Wild Card, there should be consistent reminders of the ability to use it on $2500+. Pat had the Final Spin change to be done by the contestant because he felt he had too much influence on the game with it, but he has just as much influence with the Wild Card, especially if he convinces someone to use it and they end up getting a high multiple and winning the game because of it, or not using it at a good opportunity and losing by a few thousand dollars.

Thoughts on this? I know it's the contestants' responsibility to know the rules, but it still bothers me that Pat inconsistently brings up the opportunity. Funny enough, at one of the WOF Live shows I went to, a lady knew exactly how it worked and used it on 5000 without Mark even saying anything.