do colective rituals have dilluted energy?

collective rituals, rituals in which many people participate, as well as rituals in which many people benefit from them, have their energy diluted due to the participation of several people?

The following table describes each case:

types of collectivity single target multiple targets
a person doing the ritual person who performs the ritual to benefit a person person who performs the ritual to benefit several people
many people participating in the ritual (one of them does the ritual and the others contribute energetically, like in a mass) several people perform a ritual to benefit one person (such as a person being helped by his coven) many people do the ritual and many people benefit from it, as a ritual in a secret order in which all members participate and which is to benefit all who participate

In each of these cases, what are the energetic implications of many people performing a ritual and what are the energetic implications of many people being benefited by the ritual? Is the energy diluted or enhanced? Would a person performing a ritual to help many people have their energy diluted across all targets?

Depending on the magical tradition, I imagine the answers will vary, so when answering, it is also ideal to say which esoteric tradition your answer represents.