Practical Tech Help - Securing Your Life, in three easy steps (and inspiration)
Hello fellow witches - Do you have sensitive info that you want to keep secure and private? Perhaps you subscribe to some newsletters that would prefer to keep to yourself? Do you have a backup of important documents, account numbers, prescription info, etc. ?
I just wrote three short guides on how to secure your files and digital life. Which may help to secure and keep private the rest of your life also:
- Part One - Get A Password Manager
- Part Two - Secure backups + newsletters
- Part Three - Emergency Info document
This is just the first step of figuring out how I can help to build resilience and community. Please feel free to share with anyone who may have info they want to protect and keep private.
Coping, Resting, Rebuilding, and Inspiration
Several of you have been sharing your favourite posts on processing, grieving, and figuring out what is next. Thank you. Here are some of my favourites:
- Margaret Killjoy - The Sky is Falling; We've Got This. "The thing is - things can always get better, too. And we can make them better".
- Molly White - Wind The Clock. "Even the smallest acts can help". She has many great links for more resources.
- Elizabeth Warren - The Plan To Fight Back. "Fight every fight. This is not permanent, and we have the power to make change if we fight for it."
Other Resources
- Silver Sprocket Comics in San Francisco is providing this Abortion Pill Zine for free
- Just Seeds has this free 40 Ways To Fight Fascists
- Seven Stories press is giving away some free ebooks
- Disaster planning for regular folks. A broad and deep essay written by a smart computer hacker. Has great practical advice.
Good luck out there