Small acts of rebellion

I am tired of being “the bigger person”. Growing up my mom would always to tell me to be the bigger person in any situation. “You just have to be the bigger person…” I am 50 now and I’m done with being the bigger person. I’m done with the “they go low… we go high…”. But, to an extent, I’m not putting a “Fuck Trump” bumper sticker on my car because there are kids around and as much as I love to swear and say that on a daily basis,I believe I have more class than that.

I was thinking I wish I carried around a paintball gun so anytime I saw a Trump sign, flag, dumbass Cyber truck, etc… I could hit it with a paintball. My way of saying “Fuck you, fuck Trump, fuck Elon, and etc etc etc.”

I am so tired of being quiet while these morons drive around in their F150s with huge American flags. I need to be able to do something so I don’t have a nervous breakdown. (I know there are protests, which I have covered) but I’m just so angry.

I just want to make their lives more difficult, inconvenient, whatever…. What can I do? What’s a meaningful, more or less immediate thing I (or anyone) could do to tell these people that they’re idiots? I know it won’t matter, people say “they won’t care” etc but that’s not the point the point is my pressure valve. ☠️

I love you all regardless of ANYTHING (unless you voted for Trump). Be you, be loud, and don’t let the bullies win. Being the bigger person is not the answer.