Is my workout routine too complicated?

I want to slim down and build muscle. is this a good 5 day split? I do 3 sets of 10 usually or until failure. I feel like I’m doing too many exercises and need to simplify, but want to ensure I’m hitting every muscle group:

Legs MONDAY -barbell back squat -barbell hip thrust -Bulgarian split squat -RDLs -leg press/single leg extension -hip abductor

Chest/Back TUESDAY -bench press -Arnold press -over head dumbbell -dumbbell fly/low cable chest fly -chest press -seated cable row -lat pull down -barbell bent over row

Active recovery WEDNESDAY -bike/walk

Legs/GlutesTHURSDAY -hip abductor -barbell back squat SMITH -barbell hip thrust SMITH -RDLs SMITH -step ups SMITH -Bulgarian split squat SMITH -cable kickback (LAST)!

Arms FRIDAY -bicep curls -hammer curls -lateral raises -tricep kickback -preacher curls -shoulder press -cable triceps -dips

Abs SATURDAY -plank -side plank -reverse plank -side toe touch -Russian twists -bicycle -glute bridge -leg raises -ins and outs -toe taps

Active recovery SUNDAY -bike/walk