After seeing the EC release, I’ve switched teams…

Bait title, I’m never leaving the hounds BUT I have switched teams on a pretty shared idea within the ranks about our best dude, Kharn.

After seeing the Lucious sculpt, I’ve come to terms with the fact that our guy needs an update BAD. The current sculpt to me has always just barely passed the eye test, especially since our line up release. He seemed to still have it even with the mega man x dash pose he’s in.

But after seeing the level of detail and posing on Lucious, I think our dude deserves a glow up. The current sculpt just lacks the same energy as what gw has shown they’re capable of now. That’s what I’m really hoping for with the codex tbh, I’d love new ANYTHING but I can’t help but feel Kharn deserves a sculpt unquestionably cooler than Lucious.