I posted a free fanfiction online and was bashed for writing with AI
Hey guys, I'm feeling really down from not getting much sleep last night. I stupidly went to check the comment section of my fanfiction post, thinking I could get some words of affirmation before bed. It was the opposite of that.
I write as a hobby, mainly stacking up storylines in my drafts, never having the bravery to post them cause I think my writing is bad. I overthink every action, narrating my stories as if I'm directing the scene to an actor. I know it's bad, which is why I'm insecure. I also don't have any intentions to sell or publish it, seeing it as a projection of my fantasy with the fandom that shares the same passion.
So when it came to my first post, I talked about discovering AI and how it helped to write my story and thus gave me the confidence to actually post it, before - the story itself. In the end notes, I talked about how fun it was guiding AI in the direction I wanted, while it kept going in the opposite way. Just something I thought would be a lighthearted behind the scenes moment.
I did include AI writing in the tags and '(AI)' at the end of the title, just to be sure everyone who would interact with the post would know.
The comments were overwhelming, to be honest. Unkind words about deleting the post, how the story is so bad and one specific comment about having the nerves to post it was embarrassing.
Well, I might not have written everything but I did for many paragraphs, a solution whenever AI gets off track from the story. The comments did affect me personally, making me wonder if it's the parts that were personally written by me that bad, or just plain rage from me using AI to help fill in the gaps.
I deleted the story anyway and found this sub today while trying to deflect the negative energy. Among the people that might actually relate to me - what are your thoughts or experiences?