(F4A) Forgotten Gods

A long, long, long time ago the world was a much different place. It was similar in many ways but much much older. The beings that walked the earth weren’t even human. They ranged from winged people to half tree, half women. It was a world you’d have to see to believe. Those in charge were now forgotten gods. How could we forget a group of beings that are supposed to be in charge of every aspect of our life? The sea. The sun. The moon. Everything had its own overseer. But the world seemed to be balanced. Until a young minor god decided things weren’t the way they were supposed to be.

While the world saw everything as balance, the minor god knew that it wasn’t so. The gods in charge of day and night were always fighting. Eclipses seemed to happen more often than they didn’t. Back then it wasn’t so much a rare occurrence. The oceans were never calm but the fishermen said it was to keep them from exploring their gods domain without being asked.

The minor god hated that the people of the world were being mindlessly controlled by others without even batting an eye. In fact, they hated it so much that they decided to go to the council of gods and share their thoughts. They wanted the people to be able to have more say in the way their lives were. They wanted the gods to be more of a watcher than to be involved.

The gods laughed and sent them away. The minor god felt embarrassed and discouraged as they left but their opinion stayed the same. For the next hundred of years, things only seemed to get worse. The magic in the world died out as well as all the magical beings, besides the gods, and were replaced with mortal humans.

This time when the minor god wanted to try and change things again, they disguised them self as a mortal and walked among the humans. They spread stories about how truly awful the gods were and did everything in their power to convince the people that they should just forget about their gods. Knowing that would mean they’d loose most of their abilities and the humans would have more control over their lives.

Once the gods found out what the minor god was doing, they were furious. The last thing they wanted was to be powerless and forgotten. So absorbed in his anger and fear of losing everything, the king of the gods appeared in front of the minor god. And the humans around him. His fury made him blind to everything around him as he cursed the minor god. That the minor god would have to live amongst the humans, forgetting everything they knew of their world and everything they were capable of.

The minor god was heartbroken. Not only had they failed but now everything they knew was being taken away. Accepting defeat, the minor god was banished and forgotten. Though in doing this, the gods brought their own downfall as well. The mortals hated how the minor god had been treated for trying to show them the truth. To spite the gods, the no longer feared them. Instead they were despised. The stopped offering up offerings and eventually they just became an unspoken story that no one gave much thought too.

And hundreds of years later, many kingdoms having come and gone, and there was still no sign of the gods return. No sign that the minor god would ever be able to break his curse. The mortals living their lives clueless to the past that could have changed their future.

If I haven’t bored you, thanks for making it this far! The above is not a starter but more of a backstory to the story I’m trying to create. In this world, the gods have been forgotten and magic has long since disappeared from the earth. My idea for this story is that your character would be the minor god (or however you’d like to be called). The way to break the curse is up for discussion, since you’d be the one with the curse I felt like you should have a say in it as well. I have a character for this story already, I’m just missing a partner who can bring ideas to the table!

I am looking for someone who is 21+, I myself am 25. You must write in third person and have at least two paragraphs. I don’t mind how often you respond, I’ve started a new job so I’m not currently at a point where I can do quick back and forth. Your gender, as well as your characters gender, does not matter to me. I will be playing a female main character along with side characters but like I said, I’m not picky on your gender.

None of the story is set in stone, I’m open to changing things based on how the story plays out or your interests. I’m also willing to overlook one or two of my requirements if the right person comes along.

I can’t wait to hear from you!