Some of you behave like some elitists and disingeniously misunderstand most of the problem people have with Pincer Warrior
I start with the most important one. No. It's not hard. But if you have to do a HAH GOTCHA post that it's not hard, using the resonators the event WANTS you to use and then so-so reaching the point requirements... that's not a gotcha. That's what the devs wanted to force you into doing and borderline achieving the scores.
Now that's out of the way, w.hat is the problem with the event? Multiple things, so let's go through it.
- It's boring
If you think it's some big brain challenge to use havoc characters and spam basic attack like the first event, that's not a challenge. It's not even playing, it was literally spamming the basic attack button to win. The difference between the first one and this is a different element and your condition to win changing from basic attack spam to coordinated attack spam.
- It's forcing you into characters
I don't want to play neither of the coordinated attackers and I absolutely hate how Baizhi plays. But apparently if I don't want to do what I am forced into, the only thing I have is having whaled or metamaxxed characters to try and bruteforce through it.
- It's in the same roots as TOA
Some said that why no one complained about TOA when it's the same kind of event. The answer is simple. TOA is the same as Abyss, everyone knew what t.o expect there because of Genshin. It's a timer DPS and build check frequent event. They put it to the side, gulped it down that it is what it is. I myself 18-24/30 it, how it falls after a single try and forget it for 2 weeks. But now they have TWO frequent events in the same category that forces you into playing how they want you to play, with which characters, instead of letting you do what you want. And no, they wouldn't make the patch astrite reward higher because of it, for F2Ps, it would eat 200-400 astrites into their patch rewards. It's not much, but TOA does the same amount. So now they have two events eating away astrites just because they don't want to tryhard or play and build certain characters, or outright don't even have them, I seen someone complain they don't even have a Mortefi at all.
- Something similar was done way better already
PGR Phantom Pain Cage. Not the exact same, but done MILLIONS better. Heck, just bring over the Babel Tower without the stage locked characters and you have a billions better frequent event on your hand, since you can modify to your liking with the buff how hard you want it to be, but the astrite mostly accessible to everyone.
For those who don't know, Babel in PGR works in a way that while Pincer gives you scores for mobs killed and time, Babel give you points if you complete the stage without dying with certain debuffs and the debuffs decide how much point you get.
- It's not a challenge
Ever since the event is a thing, some behave like one of the most annoying elitist about it, calling everyone who dislikes the event for any reason a genshin player or babies. Or they come here "Totally killing the whole point of the game."
No, you know why they come here? To play a hack and slash game, not a "let me check my spreadsheet what works with what in the ideal conditions for this specific event" game. If I would want that, I WOULD be playing Genshin, but I don't for a reason. When I say I want challenge into the game, I don't mean give me even more DPS and elemental checks. I want to do more hack and slash stuff, with the character I want. Give me more hologram-like bosses and instead of the timer ending the stage, turn it into an enraged state like Illusive Realm and let them oneshot me if I can't dodge. I want more event like the coop bossfight one, where it was just hard enough for a team of one lvl90 DPS and two lvl70 to complete with some luck all the hard boss stages in coop and it was INFINITELY MORE FUN! Which ties into the last point I will make...
- It's not fun
This is its biggest, most obvious fault and flaw. It's not fun. The coop boss event was more fun. The echoid tower defense event was more fun. The tower defense event in the same patch right here is more fun in the Somnoire. The chest and buff collector Battle Simulation event last time with the timer battle at the end was more fun even if it had its flaws. I previously made a vote here and people there already said that it's not fun to them. Do you really think it's an objectively good event when the majority of the people say it's either mid or outright not good? You can like it, no one said you can't. But just like that, many more will say they don't like it and want it changed for the better. And there's nothing wrong with that. Are they angry about the difficulty? Then finetune it to be better, this one is harder than the last to most. Is the locked astrite the problem? Lower the point requirement for the astrite rewards. Is it not rewarding enough for the tryhards and those who can complete it to max easily? Give them something on the max reward like how Babel Tower in PGR gives token medals that you did it, they already gave collectibles for previous hard stage events in Illusive Realm and the coop battle event.
There are multiple ways to improve it to make it more fun and better, calling people Genshin players and babies just because you don't like them not liking it just puts you in a situation where people will know you by name and avoid you like a pest, because they know talking with you will be like talking to a wall.
That's it, have a good day, here's a monk wife from fantasyfairydog.