Xo Kitty S2 Theories

Now that I'm writing this Xo Kitty S2 is coming out in four days and as I'm really excited I have some theories.

  1. Minho and Kitty are endgame

Not only do I want this to happen it just seems like the most ideal way. As Xo Kitty is a spin off of 'to all the guys I've loved' we see that peter kavinsky calls Lara jean by her last name 'covey' and in one of the episode during chuseok Minho calls her by that name. BUTTT

  1. Julianna and Yuri will break up

As we know Julianna is now back at kiss as her and Yuri are dating I think that they will breakup. In the last few episodes of S1 kitty starts to realize that she like Yuri and could possibly be bisexual and Yuri slowly sees that kitty likes her too. But Julianna starts to get suspicious and jealous of kitty and Yuri's friendship and I think Yuri will then see that she has feelings for kitty and then Julianna will find out and everything will end from there.

  1. Dae will try to get back with kitty

For my third I think Dae will try to get back with kitty as her expulsion has been lifted. And when everybody comes back for the second semester he see's kitty and finds this as a second chance to their relationship. As Kitty doesn't have a lot of feelings for him anymore that will leave Dae trying to get back together with her as he thought he would most likely not see her again.

These are my theories that I think will happen I'm completely team Minho and Kitty but I want to know what you think about these theories and if you think this is going to happen. Can't wait to see the show!!!