After doing some research on Ripple I bought $500 worth of XRP however I do have some questions about the future I hope some of you can answer.
Now I know not everybody can read the future however I do have some concerns that I hope some of you can Address. (If these questions seem dumb forgive me I’m young)
Decentralization. Although I would love for it to become world wide and all inclusive, for the majority of countries in the future, how many do you think will actually be able to hop adopt Ripple without there being any foreseeable issues? I can easily see North American countries and larger European use it but for other countries I wonder how they would go about it; maybe just hop on the trend because large companies are using it?
Potential partnerships. This feeds off the first question. When Ripple does become global, I’m assuming (and could be wrong) that with countries that are smaller and lower in population there may need to be some sort of partnerships formed with fine tech companies and other sort of payment networks in the future. I’m afraid that with this, it could cause some more issues regarding payments, hiccups etc. Is this a future issue you guys could see as well?
Not as much a concern but more for clarification. how can business use XRP for real-time settlement and liquidity management?