Only wanting comfort foods, food aversions to healthy food and protein
I read a lot about people no longer wanting their vice junk foods, but does anyone else only crave their comfort foods?
I would literally eat mac and cheese, pizza, ramen noodles, and lindt truffles if I could! I find myself looking for something for lunch and not wanting anything but those types of salty yummy foods. I do try to get a 30g protein shake in daily, but my desire to eat other protein has just dropped lately. If I prepare meat and veggies for dinner, I can and will eat it, but most of the time I’m just looking for yummy satisfying foods. The zep is still working, my food noise is mostly gone until shot day and I am not pigging out on these junk foods, just only wanting them and not healthy foods. Anyone else in this boat?
Been on zep for 4 months now, about to move up to 7.5 this friday after a decent stall for a month and my provider said it’s time to go up. I will also mention that I have been dealing with more fatigue/anhedonia and I had blood work done at my physical today to rule anything out for that. Wondering if my diet is causing it, or if the anhedonia is part of not caring what I eat.