Anyone else just kind of…. Floating?
Moved back with my parents almost a year ago after getting out of my first long term relationship. Separating left me with less than 100$ to my name at the time. Dropped out of school around covid since I realized what I was studying would have kept me in indefinite debt in a low paying high stress industry. So I stopped before I accrued much debt. For now I've just been working a day job, finding cheap hobbies I like and saving lots of money (finally at the point where I'm about even with my debt but not paying that until they resume payments tho)
And I feel like I'm kind of just... floating through life
like waiting for the other shoe to drop. I have low expectations and hope for the economy, the enviroment, and the greater social sphere. Feeling analysis paralysis and afraid to take any risk or make decisions for my long term future. Just kind of.... surviving and trying to learn how to live?
Anyone else in a similar position or mindset?