Who are the Gigglin Donkys?
Gigglin Donkys, or popularly known as GDs, are the finest band of divine disinformation donkys. They are the direct descendants of ‘The Donky’ - that one greatest donky whose divine ‘Hee...Haw’ caused the cosmic consciousness to evolve into the unconscious universe.
GDs lead lives of double existence – as the real donkys that they are, and as humans on the earth. Their mission is to create illusions and then break the illusions. They are the means of communication between the human earth and anmal forest [that is, the World of GDs].
They are the donkeys without ‘e’, animals without ‘i’. Where e and i stand for ego and id respectively, both meaning the same, which the GDs do not have because they know they are the creation and creation is them. The letters G and D stand for many things apart from Gigglin Donkys. It could be Gentlest Dictators, Greatest Diviners, Groomed Doubloons, Gaiety Distributors, Grub Dominators, Ghostly Doubles, Googol Difficulties, Grumbling Ducks, Ghoulish Doctors, and so on and so forth.
They belong to the World of Gigglin Donkys where there are many creatures. These creatures are strange and bizarre, each clan considering themselves divine and their divine ancestor the reason for the cosmic evolution – but of course GDs history is the only true history.
Check more at https://gigglindonkys.com/