Trying to stand up for myself
This started over not having sex/lack of communication. I recognize my fault in it but I’m constantly told that I cause all the issues. His reactions are all because of me. I never make him feel heard or understood, so he gets so angry he stomps on the ground in front of me while I’m sitting down, screams at me, points in my face and tells me to shut the fuck up. He literally foams/spits at the mouth from how angry he gets. (He didn’t call me a cunt this time, I was referring to a recent fight. Which he called me every name in the book, and held me down by my wrists and wouldn’t let me leave.)
Anyway, did I come off too strong or insensitive? Am I being mean? Because now his responses are making me feel guilty. I swear this happens every time I finally get away from him and we text about it. He acts like he’s the hurt one but also says I’m always the victim? Seriously what a mindfuck.
I am left feeling like it is fully my responsibility to prevent every fight we have and to cater to his feelings at the expense of mine, and the bigger mindfuck is he would say he feels that same way to me.