A Court of Silver Flames

so I hated this book right away because 1. we were back to third person after keeping the whole series in first person 2. I wasn’t a fan of mostly focusing on Nesta. I’m now half way through the book and I LOVE IT. I love Nesta and I love Cassian. This book lowkey makes me hate the rest of the Night Court besides Mor & Az. They’re all so mean to Nesta for, I feel like, no reason. She’s trying to heal desperately and especially Armen is knocking her down after we finally see progress. Feyre is annoying me and I don’t even know why.

I understand Nesta has done some messed up shit but how could they possibly expect her to heal so fast. They have been alive FOR CENTURIES and they can’t relate/realize what she’s going through??? I 100% support every lash out from Nesta, I think she’s valid. Rhys can support and provide for the priestess but can’t for Nesta? I feel her anger and pain and I honestly don’t think she’s doing enough to make the Night Court feel guilty.

Also, this is the worst possibly time for Feyre to be pregnant. Not only is she supposedly going to die, she has BARELY LIVED HER LIFE. I get that she was afraid after the death of Rhys but seriously. I was really hoping for her to spend years with Rhys and her new friends before dealing with a child. She has to be pregnant for 10 months and High Fae children take YEARS to become fully grown(longer than humans). She’s immortal, I don’t understand why rush this when she barely got to live with her new family and experience life more.