Just had an appointment with a psychologist about getting my breast implants removed

I had a breast augmentation two years ago because I thought it would help me pass, but it didn't. Long story short, I'm likely detransitioning. I asked the plastic surgeon's office how much it would cost to get the implants removed, and they made me get a letter from my therapist saying I wanted to detransition as well as requiring me to see the practice's psychologist. So I just got back from that appointment.

He said I was his first case of someone wanting to detransition and get the implants removed, so he's not sure how to present that to my insurance - especially since I don't really identify as anything. I don't like being a trans woman, but calling myself a man feels wrong too, as does being nonbinary. I don't even really feel human, to be quite honest.

The psychologist said he'd consult with the plastic surgeon in a few days to figure out how to best go about the procedure.