reached my limit in auto PD adjusting

i’ve reached my limit, i called out tuesday sick (i tested positive for flu) off work for the new year and i called off today because i had a panic attack that woke me out of my sleep when i thought of all the work i missed on tuesday and couldn’t calm down. I called off just so i could work without getting assigned new claims. I’m working at such a large volume of almost 200 PD for just December. I’ve worked at this company one of the big 3 for 2 years now. The first year was cake totally fine but over this last year the volume has increased to an ungodly number. I felt alone in this feeling until one of the other employees talked about quitting and going back to working retail because she was also so overwhelmed, this slowly created a whole conversation amongst a group of 10-12 of us who all felt this way. I know it’s the holiday time and volume is going to be higher but when asking higher ups if they see it changing in January we received a nervous laugh and the response of “well i hope so”. I’m ready to get out of auto adjusting and willing to swap companies even at this point to get out of it. Has anyone found better stress and volume levels in other areas such as home or underwriting?