
I was watching some of her live from last night (actually 5 am this morning her time) and she was with 3 other creators who were acting like teenagers - which was right up her alley, although as usual she was awkward as F. She was asked, yet again (when they saw she had 1M followers) what her content was. Of course she had no answer. It is so completely crazy how she has NOTHING to cause anyone to follow - and yet there she is making her $$$. I started thinking about who I follow on TikTok and what their content is, and why I enjoy it.

There is a guy who slices up cucumbers and puts different ingredients in with the cucumber and shakes it up and then tastes it. Such a simple thing, but he is engaging, interesting and has other cooking and food videos too - he has 3.7M followers and I’m trying to eat better and am going to try some of his recipes.

There is a woman who had 52 loans and is in a ton of debt, but is making daily content showing how she is chipping away at that debt and she’s upbeat and engaging and I’m just rooting for her.

There is a truck driver who shows his daily life driving a flatbed truck across the country. He shows his life at home when he is off with his family. Very entertaining and interesting.

There is a woman who has boomer parents that have not saved for their retirement and basically wanted their daughter and her partner to just take care of them when they could no longer afford their life - the parents moved in with daughter and partner and it went pretty bad - but they are moving into their own place this week. She shares the struggles of this.

There are comedians, singers, and endless dog and cat creators that I follow - and then I fell down the Neshoba County Fair rabbit hole- if you haven’t you need to - it’s fascinating. There were the two UK guys that travelled across America last summer.

Anyway my point is - this POS contributes NOTHING at all to the app or anyone watching her. I don’t understand how her true blues think that she is worth the screen time when there is so much more that enrich instead of rot. I get that TikTok makes some money off her but really she’s gotta go.

Ok off the soapbox.