My thoughts on the swat calls

From what we know they are local to PA. If they aren’t someone pls tell me otherwise.

Who do I think did the calls? Someone in A’s camp 100%. I think it’s either her son’s friends just being teens not realizing how dangerous the “prank” is. We all know her son isn’t overly liked at least in NY. It could have been Murph. He’s apparently known her a while and she hangs out in his shrubbery often. My last guess would be baby dad Don who seems to be a hostage. She clearly has a hold or some information she’s holding as blackmail against him to force their interactions on the internet.

There’s audio of her claiming she would swat Ness. I think Ness is kinda a total douche but I don’t think he would fuck around like that. My opinion. Plus he went hard against her and never crawled back.

Murph was around during the whole swat-a-thon and that one dispatch call did say they had a male on the line then the next one was a text. All from burner numbers. Burners can be traced by law enforcement.

I don’t know about the CPS calls since most are anonymous I have no idea if that could ever be proven.

Rarely does A actually do anything she seems to be well known for getting others to sue her dirty work. She blackmails. She silences. And she controls her side with an iron fist. People are genuinely scared of her irl it’s obvious. We have never heard tales from anyone honestly and I think it’s because they want to be left alone because she’s so sadistic in how she will destroy someone’s life.