GOLB and Lumpy Space

Previously I made the observation here that if anyone would make it as a true "Scholar of GOLB" it would be LSP. She creates chaos everywhere she goes with minimal effort. And we've seen that her personality and bad habits are not far removed from those of her people.

Which got me thinking: What if GOLB, intentionally or accidentally, created Lumpy Space?

After all, Lumpy Space isn't exactly the most ordered of locales. It is ill formed, scattered, disparate bits and pieces of what can technically be considered geography. Its nature truly chaotic in its design.

Its residence, no different from LSP herself, live for drama and mess. They are naturally inclined to escalate problems and instigate others into conflict, whether it involves them or not.

And the big thing? We've seen that Lumpy Space Princess has a lesser version of two of GOLB's powers. In Elementals she reverts things to their previous state. And not just the magic of the elementals. She reverts the damage from Gumbald's juice and she reverts Jake to his natural state. Furthermore she (and all other Lumpy Space Residents) can infect others through biting them the same way GOLB can infect things with its breath.

All-in-all, while I don't think it was actually intended, Lumpy Space being created, however unintentionally, by a piece of GOLB's being makes way too much sense.