8 months, no job.

Hey everyone. Junior Aussie AD here. This is pretty much a cry for help.

I’ve been trying various campaigns and strategies to get an agency on board to hire me. Constantly improving the folio, learning my way around ai, I’ve done a degree and some well respected courses, and I’m a great all rounder with graphic design and all that jazz. I’ve met with countless agencies, had internships, and unpaid opportunities, but ultimately it all falls flat.

I’ve tried different states, approaches, platforms, connections, and even just trying to get a related job that i could work up to art director from there.

Absolutely nothing has worked & I feel absolutely worthless at this point.

I just want to know if this is expected, or how long it took others to get their first role? How did they get it, and what experience did they have? I refuse to give up on this dream, but its eating me alive.