Alex’s water breaking at 35 weeks

I’m watching Ariel’s react channel (loving you girl!) and Alex’s excitement over her water breaking at 35 weeks has me shook. I know this is old news but I don’t know if I ever saw anyone talk about how she was SO EXCITED and not at all concerned her water broke so early. She was sitting on the toilet so excited, and not once did she say “I’m a little nervous because this is almost 5 weeks too early, I’m not sure why my water would break this early” etc… like no concern for the health of the baby, no thoughts how he’d be five weeks early and could face NICU time. She was just so excited to get that boy baby out of her because it wasn’t a girl.

That tells me either she was being induced early and this was scheduled, so she lied about her water breaking, or that she was much further along than she told us because she wanted to say the baby blanket under the tree worked lol. Am I way off base here?