What would you do differently / wish you'd known?

This is for algo traders with 3+ years of running their algo(s) post initial launch.

My next phase is developing advanced overlays to compound returns beyond my baseline algo and am curious about everyone's journey here and what you would have done differently or what you wish you'd known.

What would you do different to get to profitability and/or in your search for beating the market and achieving incremental basis-point improvement?

My algo is new and live but I'm still not letting it go 100% autonomous as I get comfortable. I still push enter in the morning, stop it during the day sometimes etc. I've been discretionary trading the same strategy for years and now have automated it. I jump out of bed every morning excited to iterate and explore off of my base scalable framework.

It's exciting but a lot more work than I thought (what isn't?) to get to something that is solid. I'm a 3-exit entrepreneur so I know what I'm getting into when I take on new ventures.

My base algo delivers solid, conservative returns and I’m now exploring ways to amplify that by integrating factor tilts, dynamic hedging and systematic volatility strategies.