Trying to figure out the cause

Hi all, I am desperate to know the cause of my anhedonia. I have been living like this for 6 years and believe the only way out is to discover how I got here.

Maybe someone can help?

So 6 years ago a light switch went off in my brain in an instant. I was walking through IKEA and suddenly everything look distorted and strange, I struggled to breath, felt dizzy and had a major panic attack. In the coming days I deteriorated. I could sleep or eat or leave my bed. If I stood up I felt I would collapse. Nothing felt real, I felt I was in a dream everything was unfamiliar. My head pounded and I couldn’t even think. I could feel my clothes on my skin and my everything was over stimulating. It was a nightmare. I went to hospital a few times and without tests they told me it was anxiety and sent me home. This lasted months.

I never felt the same after this. It took months to stabilise to the point where I could sleep, eat and function again. Doctors put me on antidepressants but they never helped. I believed them When they first old me it was psychiatric but I don’t believe this anymore.

Ever since the major episode calmed down I’ve been left like I am right now 6 years later, no improvement at all. I have no feelings or emotions. I am totally detached from everything, everyone and myself, I feel like a living death. On top of this I am extremely fatigued, get overwhelmed easily and feel like I just want to stay in bed and not be part of the world anymore. My brain is so different than before, it’s just empty and mushy.

I am considering the possibility that something happened my brain that day like inflammation or encephalitis that went undetected as many people with brain injuries report long term symptoms like this.

If anyone has any input on this that may help me figure out what happened that day please let me know. Thank you.