What Are Some Ignorant Mindsets Within The Anime Community That Need To Die?

For me there is no more annoying one than the concept quantity > quality.

We've all heard this one before. Where someone's opinion about a show or character is disregarded or deemed incorrect simply because their MAL list isn't 5 pages long. It especially annoys me when this argument is used to diminish the opinions of kids. As if children don't have the brainpower to understand what they like and don't like. Which, if you've ever babysat or been a teacher as I have, is absolutely ludicrous.

Watching EVERY SINGLE ANIME those comes out does not make you opinion any more valid than anyone else's. It just means you had more time to allocate to watching anime. That's it. And to think otherwise is asinine. This mindset needs to die and it needs to die right now.

But that's just me. What do you people think?