How do I understand why my money suddenly went negative and how to fix it? [1800]

I am playing Anno 1800 on easy settings, all opponents level 1, mostly playing by myself for econ and to learn the game. I have 3 islands on each new and old world, and no DLC yet.

I thought I was doing well enough, generally meeting all my various workers needs on each island, up to engineers on main island with 1 more need to unlock and fulfill before investors.

Suddenly though my income dropped down to like -20k, fluctuated a bit, and then was steady around -5k. I upgraded/trained as many workers as I could to try and offset, got it back to a bit over positive, then again it fell to -3k and my balance is now negative as well.

I don't really understand what changed to drain all my income; I'm not having any kind of disaster or war, I didn't just build up a massive new production, etc. All my people are happy or euphoric, and besides knowing that higher tiers generate more money I don't know how to affect my cash.

So how do I figure out what I'm doing wrong and how to address it?