One simple trick I see almost no players/streamers doing - how to perfectly position sheep under the TC

I can't remember where I originally saw this tip, I don't want to take credit for it. Most players I watch who stream AoE4 (DeMuslim, Hera) don't do this so I thought I'd make a thread for it.

As you probably know, moving sheep under the TC is more efficient because villagers can drop off food instantly instead of pathing around each other to drop off. But getting sheep under the TC can be a bit micro intensive because right clicking on the TC will not move sheep to that position, instead clicking anywhere near the TC will issue a command to move to the TC, which is actually a few metres from the edge of the TC.

The trick is to issue a directional move command. This is where you hold right click and drag in the direction you want the unit to face when they arrive at the destination, then release. This is important because you can issue it on a location underneath the TC without the TC 'consuming' the command.

This means you can easily put all your sheep under your TC with one simple command, instead of playing the game where you tell your sheep to move past the TC then stop them when they're underneath it.

That's it!