Any veteran players finding it hard to enjoy the game? mostly in ranked?

I love this game a lot, and it's probably in my top 3 games of all time (and I've been gaming since I was 9).

I stopped playing around season 17-18 and have been casually trying to get back to it since season 20, but I genuinely feel horrible every time I play and I cannot pinpoint where the issue is.

Anyone else sharing the same feeling? What's changed and what mindset do I need to change to get back into it? I am on the brink of dropping this game once and for all.


p.s: I play with premades and never solo queue so its not that.

Edit(1): To steer the discussion in the right direction, I am generally good at the game, I do not feel I suck mechanically, although definitely less than I was when I grinded back in older seasons for sure.