Friday Flair Festivities

Alright, folks. I almost missed this Friday's post. Almost.

It's time to give some flair to this week's most upvoted post, which is /u/USNDD-966 with their "Grab N Go Ammo" post.

If you want some flair but can't get the week's most upvoted post, you can also submit a data-driven post that is informative and people can reference, this post by /u/AddictedToComedy is a great example of that.

/u/USNDD-966, let me know what you want for your flair. It has to be relatively appropriate, can't be too long, can use your choice of background color, and have any combination of these icons.

I'll try to do this each Friday, but that all depends on my schedule. If it looks like I'm about to miss it, feel free to send me a PM.