Thoughts on Season 2
So, I recently watched season 2. I actually put off watching it until now because I loved the first season so much and I didn't want to ruin the experience in case they dropped the ball with the second season. I was encouraged by positive reviews of the second season on imdb and Rotten Tomatoes. And I'm happy to say that I, too, enjoyed season 2, although not as much as season 1. Part of it was my impossible expectations. I watched season 1 not knowing anything about it other than that it was supposedly good, and it turned out to be amazing. Season 2 couldn't have done that because in part I knew what to expect. Not storywise, necessarily, but in terms of quality.
But it's not only that. I do think season 2 isn't as well-written as the first, but I disagree with the common sentiment that it's because of the pacing, that it's because they tried to do too much in too little time. I actually liked that you got just enough in a given scene without the point being over-explained. Everything in the second season also relies on the first season and the characters and relationships and plot elements that were already built. I think the problem is an overall lack of polish in the script. This comes in terms of the kinds of scenes they chose to do, the way they decided to conclude certain storylines, and even just dialogue. I felt like everything was tighter in that regard in the first season. So, if the second season is rushed, it's because they lacked time to write the show, not because the show lacked episodes. Or, I suppose, it's possible that the writers suddenly got worse. But I doubt it.
Season 1 isn't perfect to me either, I feel like the first two episodes are kind of slow and the real hook comes in episode three. Yes, ep 3 requires those first two episodes to hit as hard as it did, but it's not ideal for rewatching or trying to get someone else to try the show. You basically have to convince someone to watch three episodes and then decide if they want to continue with the show, which is a lot to ask. If I hadn't been so enamored by the animation, I probably wouldn't have lasted three episodes either. Season 2 has a lot more rewatch potential for me, even though I felt like episode two was a bit on the slow side in moving things forward.
As a fan of the show, I'm kind of disheartened by seeing so much negativity surrounding season 2. Algorithms are probably part of the problem. Despite the fact that the aforementioned imdb and RT seem to suggest that the majority of people enjoyed season 2, when I google or search youtube for Arcane stuff, I come across a lot off negativity and criticism. And criticism is fine, people are entitled to their opinions. But as a fan, I do want people to like the show. I guess I shouldn't care what people online think, but then I am on Reddit, so I obviously do.
What do you guys think?