My girlfriend of 2 years, who supported me going in, knew absolutely every possibility and was okay with it(going active duty 19u, will most likely be a tanker), 8 days ago, got with some other dude. Didnt bother to tell me she was done or wanted out of the relationship with me. I did everything for her, and she threw it away. Didn’t even say sorry, blamed me, saying I left her because I signed up for active duty. For 2 years she claimed I was the reason she was happy and blah and blah blah. Well turns out that was a lie, because when she posted about the guy she cheated on me with(she didn’t leave me, she just got with the guy), she said “couldn’t be any better”. Yeah well fuck her because now I’m so fucking motivated to go in, graduate, and spend the next 20 years in. Absolutely “fuck it” is my new plan. I ship in a month