I’m aromantic and scared

I'm a teen who is aromantic (friends and family do not know yet) and I'm really scared for the future

I've never felt romantic attraction to anyone and I've always been fine and happy with that I've never felt like I was missing out or anything and life was good

But as I'm getting older I'm scared for what my future will look like being aromantic

I can't really explain what I'm trying to to say but I'm scared of being alone for the rest of my life

I don't want a partner or kids or anything like that but I'm thinking what my life would look like when I'm 50, 60, 70, 80 and so on so fourth and I don't want to be alone and isolated in my home after I retire for the rest of my life

I dont know what life would look like being aromantic and alone when I'm old and it's scary

I'm scared of regretting not getting married and scared of wishing I had just pushed through with having a romantic partner so that I wouldn't have to be alone but I don't want to get married

I know my parents are worried because I've never expressed attraction to anyone before and they want grandchildren so I suppose I'm worried about being a disappointment too

What I'm trying to say is I'm scared of being alone when I'm old because I don't want a wife and don't know what to do or think

Does anyone in this sub have advice?